
目前顯示的是 2月, 2012的文章


攝影類 荒木經惟的天才寫真術 荒木經惟的攝影告白 邁向另一個國度 直到長出青苔 東京文學寫真之旅 投資理財類 笑笑看線圖:跟著六大名師學技術分析 股市提款機:唯一敢公開當沖交割單的天才操盤手 指標會說話:指標常態分配的重新定義與使用 不看盤,獲利更簡單:邁向財富自由的30顆阿斯匹靈 約翰.墨菲教你看線圖找趨勢 最新技術指標─在台灣股市應用的訣竅 看懂新聞學會避開風險,精準命中投資標的 程式類 iPhone數位相機程式開發應用集 徹底研究Linux核心API 深入探索Linux核心架構  文學類 複眼人 飲食類 義大利咖啡實驗室 電影 雨果的冒險 Hugo 強艾德格 J. Edgar 危險療程A Dangerous Method

新版google docs發佈到網誌功能不見了?

新版google文件為加強社群應用,把代表web2.0時代的發佈到網誌功能拿掉了,解決方案有二: 1. 把舊版文件拷貝一份來編輯 2. 選擇發佈到網頁,將嵌入程式碼複製到HTML編輯頁,並做以下修改 - <iframe src="https://docs.google.com/document/pub?id=xxxxxx;embedded=true"></iframe> + <iframe src="https://docs.google.com/document/pub?id=xxxxxx;embedded=true" width="100%" height="600px" ></iframe> Reference http://www.google.com/support/forum/p/other/thread?tid=56831d0004f43208&hl=zh-TW http://blog.ilc.edu.tw/blog/blog/4950/post/14933/106701



Hipstamatic 全攻略

The Hipstamatic Combination Chart by Mark Bruce As a heavy user of Hipstamatic I wanted to make a chart compiling all the different combinations available to use. The images were shot on Monday 16th May 2011 and were taken with the most up-to-date version of the app at that time Hipstamatic 210 which included the free Buckhorst H1 Lens and the Bondi HipstaPak. There were 1456 different combinations altogether. I started shooting my R2D2 at 9:20am and finished at 6:40pm so it was quite a long day and the app was open for the whole duration and for once didn't crash. Below are links to the 13 different Lens Combination tables 01.  John S Lens - Hipstamatic Combination Chart  02.  Jimmy Lens - Hipstamatic Combination Chart 03.  Kaimal Mark II Lens - Hipstamatic Combination Chart 04.  Buckhorst H1 Lens - Hipstamatic Combination Chart 05.  Helga Viking Lens - Hipstamatic Combination Chart 06.  Lucifer VI Lens - Hipstamatic Combination Chart 07....





2012 台北燈節
